Research has shown El Toro to be one of the most drought tolerant turfgrasses ever released. El Toro thrives in low fertility enviroments. It is adaptable to a wide range of soils and ph levels. El Toro grows very well in shaded environments. El Toro forms a dense turfgrass stand that holds up to heavy foot traffic.

El Toro Zoysia
- Residential or commercial use
- Golf course
- Sports fields
- Shady areas
- Very low maintenance
- Requires less water than other Zoysia varieties
- Requires less fertilizer than other Zoysia varieties
- Most shade tolerant Zoysia on the market
- Superior traffic tolerance
- Great cold tolerance
Volunteer Zoysia is newest creation from Palmer’s Turf. It was specially designed for the ever-changing climate of Tennessee, whether in the Smokey Mountains or on the flatlands of west Tennessee Volunteer Zoysia will meet your expectations on every level. Go ahead and be the envy of the neighborhood with Palmer’s Volunteer Zoysia, Tennessee’s finest Zoysia.

Volunteer Zoysia
- Residential or commercial use
- Golf course
- High End Sports fields
- Home putting greens
- Thin bladed Zoysia that can tolerate a rotary mower
- Superior traffic tolerance
- Very cold tolerant for a thin bladed Zoysia
- Can tolerant some shade
- Drought tolerant
Also called Z-52, this grass variety is an improved cultivar of Zoysia japonica. It has a medium, dark-green color with intermediate leaf texture and shoot density. Meyer Zoysia is slightly less shade tolerant than Emerald Zoysia. It also has the fastest spring green-up. The most cold tolerant zoysia grass, it is grown as far north as Pennsylvania and Missouri. This is the zoysia grass often advertised as the “super” grass in newspapers and magazines.

Meyer Zoysia
- Residential or commercial use
- Golf course
- Very low maintenance use
- Dense turf prevents development of weeds
- Very green turf in the summer
- Can tolerate some shade
- Pest and disease resistant
- Excellent hot and cold tolerances
- Stands up to foot traffic
- Tolerates close mowing
Emerald Zoysia is a hybrid Zoysia and was developed in the 1960’s. It has a very slow growth habit and requires the most care of any other Zoysia grass. Emerald Zoysia requires a reel mower to be maintained correctly.

Emerald Zoysia
- High end residential
- Golf course
- Home putting greens
- Dense turf prevents development of weeds
- Very green turf in the summer
- Superior traffic tolerance
- Pest and disease resistant
- Drought tolerant
- Stands up to foot traffic
- Tolerates close mowing
Fescue Blend is a turf-type tall, fine fescue grass grown from seed. This is quality fescue that grows well in all areas of fescue adaptation. Palmer’s Turf Nursery hand-picks fescue varieties each year to provide you with sod that has the best heat, drought, and disease resistances available. In addition to the benefits all tall, fine fescue grass varieties have, Fescue Blend Fescue has superior Rhizoctonia brown patch resistance, exceptional salt tolerance, and a much stronger shade tolerance. Fescue Blend Fescue is by far the most popular turf grass choice in the Tennessee Valley.

Fescue Blend
- Residential or commercial turf
- Parks and cemeteries
- Recreational and sports turf
- Sod production
- Golf course roughs or bunkers
- Roadsides and airport runways
- Reclamation projects
- Low maintenance uses
- Saline soils and water areas
- Has the ability to repair itself
- Grows healthy in the State of Tennessee
- Grass seed is blended specifically for thriving in Tennesee
- Beautiful green color all season long
MVP Genetics' IronCutter (JSC 2-21-18v) is the newest elite vegetative bermudagrass on the market, available for Certified sod production NOW! IronCutter is a F1 Hybrid, highly sterile, and was developed for high-input golf, sports turf, & low-input lawn & landscapes. It forges a new path for sod bermuda grass - born and bred in Oklahoma by the legendary Dr. Charles Taliaferro!

- Drought Tolerance
- Persists Where Others Wilt
- Refined Texture
- A Vibrant, Soft, Luxurious Look
- Cold Tolerance
- Pushing the Limits of Bermudagrass
- Reclamation projects
- Low maintenance uses
- Saline soils and water areas
- Has the ability to repair itself
- Grows healthy in the State of Tennessee
- Grass seed is blended specifically for thriving in Tennesee
- Beautiful green color all season long
Call Palmer's Turf Farm @ (423) 949 6255