I receive hundreds of calls and emails this time of year about one specific item “When is my Zoysia going to green up”. I tell people once the ground temperature starts to get into the low 60’s. Once this happens massive green up appears. Tennessee and the various areas surrounding it can have massive swings in temperature starting in March …
Summer Watering 101: Zoysia and Fescue
As one of the most common lawn grasses, fescue is often grown alone or mixed in with other grass seed varieties in general lawn mixes. Fescue remains green during cooler weather, only dying off during the heat of summer or the bitter cold of winter. Zoysia, on the other hand, thrives during long, hot summer days, only going dormant in …
Installing Sod During the Summer and How to be Successful at It
Sod installation is possible throughout the year. Although it is easier to install sod during the cooler seasons, it is indeed possible to install sod in the summer. However, installing a sod in the summer requires a great deal of water to compensate for the less than ideal climate. Installation Steps 1) The first step is to create visual representation …
Fungicides on Fescue sod During the Summer Months is a Must for Maintaining a Beautiful Yard
Proper fertilization, mowing and watering helps fescue lawns withstand disease. It is always better to perform proper maintenance to prevent diseases than use fungicides. Fescue yards are subject to four common diseases, including: 1. PYTHIUM BLIGHT – This occurs late in the spring when there are hot days, warm nights and plenty of rain. A white growth will begin at …
Four Reasons You Should Bag Your Zoysia Grass Clippings While Mowing
Zoysia grass is a warm-season low-growing grass that is an extremely popular choice for lawns across the country as well as a favorite for golf courses. Homeowners love this grass for its beauty and low maintenance needs, and it is a definite favorite for those who have no wish to spend every weekend mowing the lawn. However, when you …
Fescue Sod Care Guide
You’ve done your research and decided to invest your money in a beautiful fescue sod lawn. Knowing how to properly care for and maintain your new sod will ensure that your lawn remains beautiful and problem free for many years. First Things First The first and most important thing to know is the proper time to lay the sod. Laying …
When Is the Ideal Time to Purchase Sod?
Most people have heard the expression, “Sit back and watch the grass grow.” It sounds like a pleasant experience, but the reality is somewhat different. If you try to grow grass from seed, you will be looking at bare dirt and a scraggly lawn for quite a while. It is much better to simply lay sod. It will be more …
Increase Your Home Value By Installing Sod
Our economy is certainly facing a host of troubling circumstances, not the least of which is the continuing downward spiral for home values. In times of crisis, the best solution is not to panic, but to get proactive. One of the smartest things you can do to arrest this worrying trend is to make changes to your home and …
Zoysia Grass Lawn: Reel Mower vs Rotary Mower
Keeping your lawn full and green is not a task to be entrusted to crab grass. Zoysia, a resilient grass popular in the southern United States, puts a home’s best foot forward. But how should it be maintained? Should it be cut with a reel or rotary mower? After all, mowing a lawn is half art, half science. You …
Mowing in Different Patterns to Keep Your Grass Healthy and Looking Good
There is more to mowing your grass than you might be aware. For example, you need to mow your yard in different directions each time you mow. This is important for two main reasons: First, it keeps the wheels of your mower from compacting the same area of the ground repeatedly. Second, it encourages the grass to grow properly. This …