Sod installation is possible throughout the year. Although it is easier to install sod during the cooler seasons, it is indeed possible to install sod in the summer. However, installing a sod in the summer requires a great deal of water to compensate for the less than ideal climate.
Installation Steps
1) The first step is to create visual representation of the installation area. Sketching a diagram helps with sorting out the width and length of the sod. It also helps find how much sod needs to be ordered.
2) You need to get rid of potential drainage problems. Thus, the next step is to even the ground by getting rid of any great differences in elevation. This includes filling in any areas that might trap water in the future.
3) The next goal is to prepare the land so that the sod successfully takes root. You can do this by rotor tilling the land four to six inches deep. Moreover, if you need more soil added then you should rotor till two inches deep, add four inches of topsoil, and integrating the ground by rotor tilling the soil together.
4) Remove any wood, rock, bricks and any extra debris from the area. The installation area needs to be clear. Use a hand rake to grade the area.
5) Saturating the soil allows it to settle easier. You can find low areas by using a grass roller. In addition, this step firms the area. The goal here is to make sure that the final soil grade is one inch below future hard surfaces so that it is even with sidewalks, driveways or other cemented areas.
6) Now you can plant your new sod. Most people report that installing sod soon after delivery has the best results. Since this installation is taking place in the summer, you need to water the sod thirty minutes after installation. Furthermore, sod installation should first take place along the longest straight line; most people use a sidewalk or driveway as reference.
7) Next, it is important that the rows of sod have a brick pattern. You can do this by arranging the rows in a zigzag order. Position pieces end to end and be sure to avoid any gaps. You can cut sod with a machete or shovel.
8) After having installed the sod, make sure to saturate it with water. This step needs to happen only once. Once it you have soaked the sod, remove air pockets by using a grass roller.
9) The first two weeks are a crucial period for the sod to settle. You will need to water the sod almost every day or, at the very least, enough to keep it moist for these two weeks. You can begin to water it less often once the roots have established. The general rule of thumb is to water one inch per week. However, there will be exceptions depending on the climate.
10) It usually takes around two to three weeks for sod to take root. After the sod has taken root, you can mow and fertilize the sod. Most experts recommend using a fertilizer with a slow nitrogen release for the best results.